Recently, I've been getting a major itch for another tattoo. I've always loved how tattoos not only represent an individual's most personal feelings, but truly embody the zeitgeist of a society. With so many ideas swilling around in my brain I had a quick googling session- the result of which was a bulging folder on my laptop filled with utterly gorgeous artwork that I felt I just needed to share. So many of these designs I would really love to have, so really the only thing to do is scratch that itch and go get inked again...
The little birdies that started it all...
Jack at Nine tattoo studio in Brighton was the guy who inked these bad boys on me. He has a completely unique style of tattooing which marks him out as an incredibly talented tattoo artist.
Some of his work:
#Nine Brighton-
#Jack @ Nine-
Lust worthy Ink
Love tattoos! I've got two. Want another but not sure what! I really like those birds in the 1st one.
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